University of Bolton, UK is open for Jan 2025 Intake. Glyndwr University, UK is open for Jan 2025 intake. University of New Haven, open for Jan intake Alvernia University, Pennsylvania, USA Sep 23 intake is open. UK Universities open for Jan 2025 : University of Northampton, University of West London, University of Sunderland, University of Greenwich, Cranefield University, Coventry University.

Choice of Destination - Student Life

How different is student life in UK vs India?

Life in UK for students is quite different for students as compared to India. It is infinitely more expensive. Options are more, but the costs too is high. There are no major road side eateries which can serve you hot parathas for a few pence, a few pounds is more likely the cost you would have to bear on each such outing. You would automatically switch to everyone pays for themselves, but that is small consolation when everything will start with a minimum of 1 pound. Yes, even a slice of chess bread from the van would cost you either 1 pound or more. Even the Indian eateries at places with Indian diaspora takes UK pricing connotations. For a first time student, eveything gets converted to 100 as a comparison. 

There are no roadside chaiwalla or parathewala, or golgappe wala. Haldiram packs of golgappe are available at most places in packing of 20 (no mashed potatoes enclosed) for a princely sum of 4 pounds (yes, you read it correct- Rs. 400/- for 20 golgappas and bring your own filling). The Indian culture is fast catching up with Costa and Barista and Starbucks and in malls you easily spend 200 rupees for a chai, but that is when you live with your parents, and these outings constitute 10 or max 20% of your overall instances. In India you can live like a prince or princess in student life if your pocket money is Rs 10k. 100 pounds in the UK might get you a few meals at most at Indian eateries not classfied as fine dining.

The social environment is completely different to that in India. Perhaps you might not be able to achieve the level of informality with your friends which you took for granted here in India. Remember most of your colleagues would be from different nationalities, coming from different cultures and values. While most of our friends in universities in India when we study here comprises of our friends from school, and that gives us some comfort too. But in the UK, with new people, new friends, you might feel a bit lost initially, and definitely a lot homesick. 

As compared to UK India is cheaper for Undergraduate and other course, however Indian Education is focusing on theory instead of practical, hence Indian education system does not allow creativity, on other hand UK Education system focusing on practical and creativity.

India has lot of world class College / Institute like IIMs and IITs which really have good education system and compete with the world.

 Benefit of overseas education:

 - you get high quality education

 - the teaching staff are professional

 - you are entitled to work during your studies

 - with international qualification, you have an edge and a fresher can even enter mid-level Management with high pay 

For first-timers to the UK, international students are encouraged to stay in university-managed student accommodation. For a cheaper option, students can check out local Facebook groups or student housing within the proximity of their city or educational institution. Cheaper accommodation may have shortcomings, such as being partially furnished or unfurnished. This means that students might have to fork out more on furniture and essential everyday items.

Life in UK is quite different from India and expensive also. It is actually hard to move in a different country and lead a totally different life. It gets even tougher if you are visiting for the first time. It takes time to get along with the situation but it can be managed.

Almost all the student experience this when they arrive in UK. The language, food and behavior may seem different and strange compared to what you are used to at India. 

Remember that you are not alone. Talk to other international students who are probably going through the same thing. Take along a few items from India with you to make your room/space feel more like home.

But on the plus side, there is a large Indian community in UK, and as a student there will likely be many university groups where Indians get together regularly.

There are a lot of things to do during student life in UK. The United Kingdom is worldly known for its natural refinement, millennium history, different cultures, Royal family, red buses, green hills fertile lowlands, and much more.

Student Life in the United Kingdom:

Whenever we heard the name of the United Kingdom, the first thing that comes to our mind is London. London and UK complement each other. It’s big and huge but its vastness never makes you feel lonely because the city is vibrant during the day and night.

It provides all the basic ingredients needed for human life including cheap and lavishing accommodation, good quality foods, emergency medical, luxurious shopping malls, wide roads. Etc.

A student should go on a trip to London to get rid of study pressure and exam tension. When you are visiting London don’t miss the chance of getting a bird’s eye view of the entire city through the London eye. While roaming around the city you will love to see the green parks and the fresh air would surely blow your mind away.

Well, do you wish to see the king’s queen or the royal palace? That Carries hundreds of years of royal heritage? The world’s most celebrated queens and royal family lived there, The most desirable queen Princess Diana was brought out there for her funeral.

Apart from that as a tourist as well as a student, you should visit two free museums like the Tate Modern and the Museum of Natural History. It will boost your historical thirst for sure. Most importantly, you should not miss the chance of witnessing once-in-a-lifetime arts exhibitions at the V&A museum.

Student life in UK  as an international student is not as difficult as you think, studying and surviving in a new country may look hard but gradually everyone gets used to it, wise people always make the harder path easier.

if you are worried about how you would survive your whole study life without out kith and kin we assure you to have a lot of fun people out there because the British are receptive, supportive, and understanding in nature. No doubt you will get some lifetime warranty friends while studying in the UK.