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I want a brief description on the Australian Education System?

Hi Sumit, A brief table on Education System in Australia is mentioned below.. hope it resolves your query. 

Australia is three-tiered with primary, secondary and tertiary levels of education. Here’s an overview of the different levels and qualifications available as per the AQF.

Levels and qualifications as per Australian Qualification Framework (AQF)

Level 1 Certificate I

Level 2 Certificate II

Level 3 Certificate III

Level 4 Certificate IV

Level 5 Diploma

Level 6 Advanced Diploma, Associate Degree

Level 7 Bachelor Degree

Level 8 Bachelor Honor’s Degree, Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma

Level 9 Master’s Degree

Level 10 Doctoral Degree

The Australian education system roughly inherits the British education system, which is divided into three stages:

1. Primary Education System in Australia

The primary education system in Australia can be called the first stage of formal education, from grade 1 to grade 6 or 7. In primary school, children begin to learn core subjects, such as English, mathematics, and social sciences, etc. There is no examination system in primary schools in Australia, and about 72% of children go to government-run public schools.

2. Secondary Education System in Australia

Secondary education in Australia is divided into junior high and senior high school. In New South Wales, Victoria, Australian Capital Territory and Tasmania, the junior high school is from 7th to 10th grade; in Western Australia, South Australia, Queensland and the Northern Territory, the junior high school is from 8th grade to 10th grade. The compulsory education in Australia also ends here. After the 10th grade, most of the students will enter the 11th and 12th grades of senior high schools to continue their education.

3. Higher Education System in Australia

In the AUS education system, higher education is the third stage, including vocational education and higher education. Among them, vocational education focuses on providing job-oriented skills and practical training; higher education focuses on providing theoretical knowledge.