UK Qualification framework, numbers of years of study, etc
UK Qualification framework, numbers of years of study, etc
The topic can be a misleading so please help correct it as required. Basically I understand across the world either a 12 year or 13 year primary and secondary (including senior secondary, or higher secondary) is recognised. Please can you explain which Universities require 13 years of studeis before enrolment in the undergraduate program and which require 12? What is the reason for the extra year of study. In India, for example, we have class XIIth and we generally study for 12 years in primary and secondary before I can enrol into a University. I have seen certain Universities in the UK accepting students only after completing 13 years of secondary school. Please guide with examples and details.
Many world top universities now are offering pathway programmes to bringing students to their main courses. The foundation year is designed specifically for international students and ensure them academically ready to take their undergraduate level courses in the UK.
By taking a foundation year, instead of continuing your high school studies for 12th year, you can actually attend your 12th at your future university in the UK.
Birmingham City University |
University of Hertfordshire |
Robert Gordon University |
University of Portsmouth |
University of Leicester |
Brunel University London |
Swansea University |
University of Plymouth |
Coventry University |
University of Huddersfield |
Kingston University, London |
Liverpool John Moores University |
Durham University |
Lancaster University |
Leeds University |
Royal Holloway, University of London |
University of Strathclyde |
University of Surrey |
University of Sussex |
University of Sheffield |
What are the differences between UK and Indian education?
Here is a brief comparison of schooling ages in India and in the UK.
India |
UK Equivalent |
Student age |
SSC - 10th Std |
GCSE’s – (or 'O' Levels) |
14-16 |
HSC - 12th Std |
A-Levels |
16-18 |
The Secondary School Certificate is a public examination taken by students after successfully completing at least ten years of schooling
General Certificate of Secondary Education: Level 2 of the NQF Framework for GCSEs grades A* - C. Students can take up to 9-12 GCSE’s including English and Maths at A*-C level.
The Higher Secondary Certificate is a two-year study in a School in Science/Commerce/Arts streams.
A-Levels are made up of the AS (advanced subsidiary) level and the A2. Each year makes up 50 per cent of the overall A level grade. This forms level 3 of the NQF qualifications framework.
Comparison of UK & India Education Systems
Indian school UK Schooling
Nursery Primary Year 1
Standard 1 Primary Year 2
Standard 2 Primary Year 3
Standard 3 Primary Year 4
Standard 4 Primary Year 5
Standard 5 Primary Year 6
Standard 6 Secondary Year 7
Standard 7 Secondary Year 8
Standard 8 Secondary Year 9
Standard 9 IGCSE
Standard 10 IGCSE
Standard 11 AS level
Standard 12 A2 level
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