Is there a simple logical way to learn English and crack IELTS/PTE, etc for a high score?
Indeed there is a logical method to learn English. And a little effort each day goes a long way to esnure you ontain a high score in IELTS or other similar tests for effortless admission into a high ranking University, reasonably easily. Most of us are daunted by the guide books which list out various methods to study and re learn everything which we should have learnt in 12 years in school, even if the medium of study has been other than English. Scientists have now established through various studies that when you learn new neuron connections are established, and the more you use them the more they get strengthened. That is the reason why practice practice practice is the mantra every sane teacher will profess. Indeed that is the only way. However, what you need to remember that the mind, no matter how weak a neuron connection is towards a particular branch of study you undertook a few years ago, still exists. And that is the whole point. Once you realise your mind is stamped with all the information which you ever even glanced at for a few moments, you know you can win!
The key is how you bring all your learnings of yesteryears to fore which you can use in your tests, and indeed in your interviews, and in day to day usage when you are in an English speaking country. And that key is to go by your gut feeling. Today I am unable to distinguish whether a word is a noun or an adjective or an adverb, but I seldom make mistakes to their correct usage. Yes, for me the usage comes natually and my mind rejects automatically an incorrect usage. You too can train your mind to reject incorrect usage, and you have won the biggest battle of your life in this area. Sharpening your gut feeling is an exercise which nobody talks about while learning. If you can listen to the wisdom stored inside of you through ages and the yesteryears, you can be master any subject. If I give you three sentences two of which are incorrect, the first answer which you utter subconsciously would be the right answer on more that even ocassions.
It is not easy to get into this mode, but once you do, you never go back being your old self. Command your subconscious mind to answer all questions to which your mind knows the answers at first glance. Command your mind to absorb the audio clips in the exam to reproduce answers easily. Command your mind to absorb the ideas behing each passage you read in the examination hall to be able to answer each following question effortlessly and in quick time. Command your self to speak to an interviewer in the correct verbiage and coherently. You can do it.
Lets get you started on two experiments. First try reading a newspaper aloud in the confines of your room in front of a mirror. Do not try to ensure you understand each sentence, or anything at all. Just read. Practice this for 1 hour each day in the morning. Sometime in the afternoon or evening watch an English movie with subtitles. Ensure you read the subtitles definitely and then train yourself to pay equal attention to the movie and the soundtrack as also the subtitles. Swell your chest with pride that you will speak in English at least once sentence to everyone you meet in the day. Whether it is your parents, the conductor of the bus you travel in, or your friends, or even the sweeper. Don't worry about rejections and embarassment. Once you last this period your confidence will surge to an extent that you would surprise yourself by speaking sentences and composing paragraphs which you earlier thought impossible. Success is within your reach. Embrace some unorthodox methods and you will be rewarded. The unorthodox methods might be the one which God ordained for you to learn from and it is quite likely these will come naturally to you. And anything which comes naturally to you can only be in coherence with nature.
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