University of Bolton, UK is open for Jan 2025 Intake. Glyndwr University, UK is open for Jan 2025 intake. University of New Haven, open for Jan intake Alvernia University, Pennsylvania, USA Sep 23 intake is open. UK Universities open for Jan 2025 : University of Northampton, University of West London, University of Sunderland, University of Greenwich, Cranefield University, Coventry University.

Help for Universities; workflow management and control

Workflow management and Control for Universities becomes daunting and seemingly out of control with rising volumes. Here is help.

My academic heads are a worried lot. They are expected to divide their time between agents and also exceptionally approve students. How they wish there could be a simple solution for them to make their life easier

Yes, this is the problem for many Universities,

Anything non-automated can be caused of delays in student's enrollment, issuing offer letter, financial aid, faculty requests and more.

Many colleges and universities often feel pressure to continue advancing themselves as successful academic institutions, which makes simplifying workflows is a primary goal.

for management of such processes can be difficult and time-consuming, and also mistakes can be costly.

Workflow automation can help the University to overcome these challenges.

Academic heads need to spend considerable amount of time approving exceptional applications especially nearing intakes - one way to deal with it is to analyse the past approvals and rejections and reduce the exceptions.

For the rest, a smooth workflow management may be an answer to ensure minimum hassles and time required from the academic heads by way of providing easy, reportable and actionable data sets to approve / reject.